lördag 24 oktober 2015

Irmelin skivinspelning med fjällvandrartermos och yogi-te

Irmelin har just spelat in på Kingside studio materialet till nästa platta.
Sångerna som är vår första förälskelse.

Otto Wellton är vår inspelningstekniker. Tre intensiva inspelningsdagar i vackra höstglödande Sörmland. Fyra katter och vackra stora hund-damen Tamla spred värme med sin närvaro.

Orsapolskor efter Gössa, bröllopskväden,
visor från Dala-Floda,
Enviken, Rättvik,
och inslag av Helsingfors, Estland och Norge.

Visor och låtar vi älskat sen tiden vi började med folksång.
Koraler, kulning, vallvisor, vaggvisor och en massa sköna polsketrallar.

Otto, Maria och Karin i kontrollrummet.

Hjärtervärmare från Nås, in the making....

Mina tillbehör i inspelningsbåset. Yogi-te och stämgaffel. Samma gamla fjällvandrartermos.
I januari 2016 räknar vi med att släppa vår kommande platta.
Håll utkik!

Nu är det en stunds vila och återhämtning.
Kreativt skapande kräver en god portion vila, enligt forskning har jag sett.
Så jag bestämmer att det är ok att grotta in sig hemma
nu kring omställning till vintertid.


lördag 8 augusti 2015

Summer with light nights, singing and dancing

Dearest blogg readers,

What happened in your peak of summer?
Did you celebrate summer solstice?
See any midsummer fairies?
Met the bear up in bear country?
I wish I did.
At least we saw bear poop in the forest.

Leo sniffing out big shit.

Right now, lovely August is covering us under her wings.

What do you wing?
What's now, what's created now?

I'm working every day with creative writing.
Not so fast today, because I struggle with a cold and fever.
So I go with the flow.
Gathering thoughts, pinning down some pictures from my dreams.
Taking small notes.
The dog needs walks and I marvel at the jungle I'm living in.
In the linden trees thousands of honey bees
sing their song.
I brought my tuning fork with me to listen carefully
to what notes they sing.
Soon this blooming is over for this year.

Living now.
Visioning forward. 
Learning from what happened.

Here's a little retrospect what happened in June-July.

My cd Vida was released on Spotify in the middle of the summer riddle.

Thank you photographer Maja Tekla Jonsson!

Midsummer light nights. Picture taken at 23.39:

Summers journey stop #1 was to dance boogie woogie in Herräng. And of course some lindy hop and blues dance and balboa too. Oh what a lovely week! We are so blessed. My daughter and I in a camping tent and spending day and night to dance.

The journey continued to the vast forests and hills and valleys where I come from. I was lucky to spend some time with my scythe, visiting goats on a mountain farm, fäbod, and walking to the top of the world.

My scythe.

Making traditional messmör.

In the turning of July into August we were blessed with a blue moon and Irmelin performed at Urkult Festival in the high north. There I had the most amazing birthday celebration and enjoyed it very much to welcome a new turning point in my life.

Nämforsen stone carvings from the time of the first people.

Ylva Varik artistry.

Att vara tant är att få göra vad fan man vill.

To be an old lady is to be allowed to do what the *#-/* you want.

My antennas are up in the air. Some questions are going to be investigated.
Some lyrics are going to be written.
Some more music will be transformed from the dreamed into reality.
Some future journeys are going to be planned according to the golden map of the inner landscape.

Come rain come shine, life takes us on an unpredicted journey.
Family, friends and love.
Some endings and some beginnings.
Reunions, a break-up.

I pray our hearts continue to be tender in the sometimes hard world we live in.
Let's be curious.
Let's walk in peace.


fredag 20 mars 2015

I have opened a web-shop

Welcome to my web site www.evarune.se where you can order your copy of my brand new CD Vida.

I'm deeply grateful for the big interest I've seen so far. Thank you all who has bought the cd and thank you for beautiful words about what you feel about my music :-)

164 SEK including shipping within Sweden.
Shipping abroad depends on where you are.

12 newly composed songs with my own lyrics.

Just a coincident, or not?
On the same day of the release of Vida I got a letter from SA, with Nelson Mandela stamp and all. My pen pal Paul Hanmer is one of the long time friends who have inspired me to step up and compose and record, release my own album. During many years we have send music and letters to each other, toured and made concerts in both South Africa and Sweden, composed and recorded together.

torsdag 29 januari 2015

Home stage in the middle of the hoods.

In just two weeks I will launch my new CD "Vida".

The place this will happen is a great gift itself, I'm getting the sense it's now becoming my home.
A second home or a home stage.
A place where it's easy to feel at home.
Hjällbo church is in the center of the hoods.
A church right in the middle of the street life, at the local square.

This fine space helps us all open to inner space.
The name "Vida" have a connection to the swedish word for space: vidder.

Soon time to let the boat set sail.


Norway, August 2014. Irmelin tour.

fredag 2 januari 2015

Welcome 2015 with all your adventures in music

A new year has just begun.
First of all I want to thank you all my readers, you who visit my blog.
I truly wish you a beautiful year and lets all pull our forces together for
a year of more tolerance and love in the world.
Music, dance and story telling makes the world go around.
I know so many beautiful initiatives, activists,
thinkers and peace makers all around the globe
to make me want to contribute also what I can bring on the train.

One thing is to celebrate truly who we are and
be daring in creativity.
I've decided to fully live my dream of releasing
a solo album.

It's getting closer and closer,
the launch of my new cd, Vida.
February 12 in Göteborg,
please come to celebrate with me in Hjällbo church.

I just heard some music on the radio that makes me so happy.
For the first time to me, I found this gem of new jazz, Chlopy Kontra Basia.
The pure happiness of language, without knowing the meaning of the lyrics,
I just love the sounds.

Chlopcy Kontra Basia - Oj Tak

Got to keep on working now, the day is bright and  I have lots to plan and organize. 
Final steps of the cover and textbook of my CD. 
