torsdag 25 april 2013

Kurs i folksång och kulning sommaren 2013

Här kommer tips på var du kan gå kurs i folksång i sommar. Jag har frågat runt bland mina sångkolleger och fått tips från dem.

19 maj Kl 14-18
"Vi segla ut på livets hav" viskurs med Eva Rune.  Bjönni, Ellös, en timme utanför Göteborg. Anmälan till Ingegärd Johansson via mail:

- sångkurs i folklig tradition med Gudrun Engberg
Tid: torsdag 13 juni kl 19.00-21.30 samt lördag 15 juni kl 12.30-17.00 (inkl fikapauser)
Plats: Stuvstakyrkan, Mellanskogsvägen 1-3, Huddinge.
Kostnad: 375kr/vuxen, 200kr/stud, inkl fika. Anmälan senast: fredag 7 juni till Stuvstakyrkan 08-774 13 34 el.

15 juni kl 10-14 Viskurs med Eva Rune i Övertänger
Sjung på gehör, folkvisor både enstämmigt och med enkla spännande flerstämmiga arrangemang.
max 10 deltagare
anmälan till
Kostnad 400 kr
Plats Övertänger 387

16 juni kl 10-15 Kulningskurs med Eva Rune i Övertänger
Ropa in sommaren med mig! Lockrop och vallvisor.
max 8 deltagare
anmälan till
Kostnad 400 kr
Plats Övertänger 387

19-20 juni, sångkurs med Ida Malkolmsson. Nääs samfundet i midsommarveckan

8-14 juli Ålsta Folkhögskola, en vecka med sång, spel och dans. Mer info Gun-Britt H, 060-58 93 27, 070-607 15 02.  

10-13 augusti, Marie Selander och Elisabeth Ask har kurs på Åsa folkhögskola. Världens sång- och röstkurs heter den.

Varje sommar hålls folkmusikkurser på Malungs Folkhögskola:

Somriga hälsningar, Eva

onsdag 17 april 2013

Bike season begins

My Honda CB 250 from 1981 was checked without any remarks today at Bilprovningen.

So now I'm ready to keep up the driving a bit more than last season....I'm sorry to say my bike has been a bit neglected.

It was a bit windy today so I tried to not stress too much about going over the big bridge. I am a bit low in my driving technique after a long time without driving. It's all about trust and relax. The bike itself know often better than me, but as soon as my arms tense up because of sudden wind, my reaction can make the bike more unstable. So as usual it's a good lesson to learn. Go with the wind in a relaxed manner. And my fantasy about "problems" causes more stress than the reality. I decided to drive relaxed and to trust and know that today no one will blow off that bridge :-) It worked!


söndag 7 april 2013

Irmelin on tour in Finland

Soon I will be absorbed by Irmelin events for a week! So much looking forward to sing with Maria and Karin again! It will be workshops, concerts and cd release for our new album, North Sea Stories.
More info of tour and new cd is found on

Frozen mix of ginger, honey and lemon.

Today I was walking with the dog, gathering inspiration in nature.
Spring is in the air.
Ice is melting.

Form and transformation.

A frozen well in the forest is the last remains of ice and snow.

Colour and light.


onsdag 3 april 2013

Old folk songs in Svartnäs church, Dalarna

Here in this remote village of Svartnäs I had the joy to sing old folk hymns accompanied of a pump organ played by Sofia Pekkari. Lot's of people came to take part in this service on the day after Easter day. It was a fine moment of meditative music that I will remember long.

View from the church in Svartnäs.
Sofia and I included three hymns on folk melodies from Bingsjö wich is not too far away from Svartnäs. Both villages is surrounded by endless forest, the place for many wild animals including wolf, lynx and bear.

The white wooden church in Svartnäs.

Svartnäs is one of the small churches in Svärdsjö parish in Dalarna. 
