söndag 10 mars 2013

Dog on ice

Ice skating today in sunshine and wind. Leo surpriced me and enjoyed some winter sports!

Small dog on a big ice.

Happy flowers on this stunning maxi long party dress from the 70's.

Fashion by: Aspens made in Sweden
Unfortunately it's wrong size for me, but I'm sure I have saved this gem to now find a new happy owner somewhere.  No more hiding in the wardrobe! New parties are waiting! This dress really makes one shine and I wonder who picked it originally and what parties it has been to in those days.

Leo the dog is sleeping and snoring right beside me now, curled up with his nose under his back leg. Tired after this fantastic day out on the ice.


torsdag 7 mars 2013

Leo the dog, one year with us today!

Celebrating today!

Today a year ago Leo moved in with us. We are absolutely happy with his sweet personality and big heart, it's a delight to have him here.

Leo the studio-dog. Mastering Irmelin CD Monday 4th of March 2013.

Leo checking out water facilities for dogs in Basel. Autumn 2012.

Leo enjoying café-life in Winterthur, Switzerland.

Some unknown friends in the street.

Leo on the day he arrived a year ago. So tiny, only 7 month when he came!

Early picture of Leo, in March 2012.

Well, it's a lot about us growing into the role of being dog-owner. So much more we now can read Leo's signs, and he can read ours. We've learned to communicate quite well. Still learning of course.
A favourite cartoon can tell some more.....
Here's about the paradox of a dog, Rambo the dog.


söndag 3 mars 2013


Happy skiing All you 15000 skiers who will give the 90 km a good fight tody. Sunny weather, good temperatures. Enormous gathering of energy!

Look at this magic moment when the skiiers set off on their long journey. Film clip from 2011, looks like the same weather that year:

3500 litres of blueberry soup will be consumed by the skiiers along the trail. We made some for us for breakfast here at home too. Ekströms Blueberry soup is da thing!


fredag 1 mars 2013

Final steps in Irmelin CD-making

Karin, Maria and me in vocal trio Irmelin are just in the final steps of the process of making our new CD. It's a great pleasure to see it come into form. On Monday it's time to do the mastering. I'm very excited about all this. As usual it's also a bit of a labour emotionally. Will this music come out the way we dreamed about it? The stories we want to tell, will it be touching? As soon as the CD is printed it's totaly up to the listener, but at this point it's a fragile and yet strong walk of balance carrying something precious in our hands. A work with lot of heart in it. Everytime you put your naked heart into the work it's also a portion of pain to it.

In this process we are united and working together in the very best way. The Irmelin trio stands strong together! It's a joy to work with Karin and Maria, to unite with their artistry and personality. I learn so much everytime we work together!

Some pictures from this week:

Yesterday I visited a second hand store I've never been to before. Lucky me I found a dress compleetely hand made with fine knowledge in hand craft, probably from the 50th or 60th. I'm happy about the bright colour, even with out the sun shining through it's the colours of fire. Double layers of fabric. i wish I knew who made it and what parties this dress has been to before.
