torsdag 8 juli 2010

Nordic Fiddles and Feet at Ogontz 2010

What a great week I've had! I knew it was going to be both special and fun, but it was even better. About 80 participants and teachers and staff, a happy crowd prepared to plunge deep into norwegian pols and swedish polskas and songs. It's rare to find such an enthusiastic and initiated group of people, even inside Sweden.
We spend the week dancing, singing and playing different instruments. Each morning before breakfast four cow horn players including myself blew signals and melodies that carried through the woods and echoed over the little lake.
I can't tell how excited my banjo was to for the first time sit in a sofa on an american front portch. He wanted me to take a picture of him of course. Notice the rough tree trunks used for building the house.
Fore the big party on the last day they smoked salmon. All food was prepared and cooked in their own kitchen. Bread baked in their own bakery. I'm impressed! Breakfast was a little different from what we know from home. Sweet bread and more sweet things.
Food was exellent, superb! One day the owner's wife came with a big catch of lobster, and we could eat as much as we wanted. She laughed when she saw her husband had caught more lobster than the Nordic Fiddles and Feet could eat.
Gartner snake. Spelling?
Dance party every night.
Campers stayed in houses of a rustique model (above). Roof and one wall. In case of rain there's some tent fabric available to roll down and cover up the other three sides of the house. Mosquito nets was found on some of the beds. other housing was in previous horse stables. I had a luxury house, premium housing. Four walls, private bathroom, heating system, fridge. I appreciate very much to have a premium housing when I'm working and teaching.

3 kommentarer:

  1. Kan tro att banjon var i 7:e himmelen :-)

  2. Oj, vad kul! Vilken tanke att man dansar och spelar och sjunger samtidigt på båda sidor av Atlanten, själv har jag dansat Malungspolska med en man från Seattle i Nedre Gärdsjö...

  3. Många av USA-dansarna kommer till Sverige denna sommar för att dansa i Hälsingland mm. Norrlandia Dance Camp i Harsa om jag minns rätt. Ja, dansen är en sällsam upplevelse! Nu är det dock lindy som gäller denna vecka. Mvh, Eva
