torsdag 5 april 2012

The one who have made a journey...

...have something to tell.

My 17 year journey into the nordic treasure of wedding songs in traditional music is now coming to it's conclusion. I have the aim to finish writing by the end of this month, the book with about 120 songs.

This journey has also included many lessons on a personal level, what is love? How can a person today live the dream of finding love and find long lasting relations? What is me, what is you, what is us? How do we grow and become responsible in every sense, for the actions, words, emotions we have in us. To realize this is me, and my life and my responsibility.

The songs are full of human experience, handed over from generation to generation. Some songs give endless encouragement. Some songs are full of humour. Some of the small songs are the biggest to me.
I'm burning with passion to share this treasure! Buy the book when it comes. Join the workshops where I will teach how o sing the songs.

The one who have made a journey....

...have a gala-night out in Malmö. The work of RFoD has resulted in three galas, and this year it was held in Malmö. My 5 years of being chair woman has come to an end, and I'm proud to have made this increadible journey together with the board and employees of RFoD. 5 years of intense lobbying for the whole scene, all included, music, dance, pedagogues, venues and local clubs ond so on. Networking networking!

...have the most enchanted time together making music In Ljungs church with Mats Eriksson (guitar) and George Keczan (church organ). On a spring time evening when birds gather in the last sunlight of the day. happy to walk the streets of Göteborg in spring time. happy to warm up in the afternoon sunlight.
Lots of love and songs from

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