fredag 31 augusti 2012

Blue Moon Friday

Blue Moon, that's when there's a full moon for the second time in a month. Like today! The last day of beautiful August.

So, it's been a full week! So much achieved, and yet sometimes I think time fly really fast and what did I do?
This Tuesday I started a choir! So great to see all the people that signed up and came. Great to get going! It started really well, so good singers! I'm fortunate with this. Also fortunate with the nice location, at the gardens of Lärjeån.
And today I had a wonderful rehersal. Creating music together with Ahmad Al Khatib, oud, and Martin Holmlund, upright bass. Imagine how happy I am to sing with theese guys!

This week has been full of environmental activism as well. Here in Sweden it's a huge protest againt the destruction of real old pine forest wich are the home for many endangered spieces of wild life. A private owned company want to dig a big whole in this area. Digging for lime stone. Activists are hiding in the forest, some climb up in the trees. If you just want to sign a petition you can show your support here:

And in the US I follow the Lakota Sioux Nation who wants to buy back the sacred land of Pe' Sla. Buy back! It's stolen land from them anyway.

Sign Avaaz:

As a teenager I read the book Black Elk Speaks. I took big interest in that book. Lot's of the history written about there is taken place at Black Hills. Pe' Sla is a sacred site in the Black Hills.

The more I read this interesting articles, I get amazed and proud to hear all the voices of people who stand up for the earth and our future generations. Go go go!


söndag 26 augusti 2012

Late night dancing in town

Danced after midnight to some absolutely awesome blues music. So fine dances.

Crooked Still: Come on in my kitchen

Nina Simone: Ain't no use

Evening started with crayfish party. I say: sea crayfish is da thing! The group who organized the evening had made perfect choice of sea food, high quality. Better tasting, better for nature too.

You who put this evening together, you are amazing!


torsdag 23 augusti 2012

Encourage in a box

When the right time comes, and it has come now, I open this box wich is a gift from a friend.
It's encourage in a box.

Each day I get a challenge to experience something. I have no idea of the details. The list of content reveals a little something about the small white packages.

Like small tasks to compleete, experience, sence, connect.


It's a totally rare thing to be given such a piece of creativity. I'm so curious to proceed in the list of revealings here, and everything has to be done in the order of the list.

What a start on my autumn!

For two days I've been hit by so many messages about thinking out of the box. Big and small articles, the documentary of Esa-Pekka Salonen on television. So it's quite funny to open such a box that embodies so much thinking outside the box. What was hidden in this particular box is now going outside the box. Esa-Pekka said: life begins outside the box.

Let's do that!


måndag 20 augusti 2012

Sjung med mig i min nya kör

Till hösten har jag en stor nyhet på gång, en alldeles nystartad kör. Du är varmt välkommen, och du får gärna ta med dig kompisar som är intresserad av att sjunga folkmusik i kör, eller kanske du känner någon som skulle vara intresserad?

Anmälan görs via mail till mig, på

Tio tisdagar per termin på Lärjeåns Trädgårdar, nära Angereds centrum.

Datum i höst:

28 aug ur-upptakt!
4 sept
18 sept
25 sept
23 okt
30 okt
13 nov
27 nov
4 dec
11 dec

Klockslag: 19-20.45 med en kvarts paus.

Det är nästan en månads uppehåll i mitten och det beror på turné och skivinspelning.

Terminsavgift: 800 kr plus moms  på faktura.

Lärjeåns Trädgårdar ligger några stenkast bort från spårvagnshållplatsen Angereds centrum. På Lärjeåns Trädgårdars hemsida finns en bra vägbeskrivning:
Titta gärna på Västtrafiks hemsida för exakta besked om trafiken. Hela sommaren har det varit ersättningsbussar ut till Angered p gr av spårarbeten.

Sånger och idé:
Blandad kör, både tjejer och killar. Vi jobbar utan noter, kör på gehör. Det mesta av repertoaren baseras på folkliga sånger. När vi hunnit bli lite varma i kläderna kan vi se om vi vill utvidga repertoaren med musik av andra rötter än folkmusik. Det kan bli nya influenser från olika håll, mycket utifrån mina olika resor och möten. Vi kommer att sjunga enstämmigt, tvåstämmigt, flerstämmigt, svängigt, roligt. Kanske plockar vi upp några av Gunnar Erikssons tekniker för kör på gehör. Det är en tanke jag har att börja med musik ur nya boken Bröllopssånger och kärleksvisor.

Vi har redan blivit tillfrågade att göra en vårkonsert på Lärjeåns Trädgårdar. Det är roligt och ett utmärkt mål att jobba mot.

Kanske dyker det upp frågor? Tveka inte att höra av dig.

Bästa hälsningar,

söndag 19 augusti 2012

Nordic Wedding Music i Trollhättan

Fotograf Peter Lloyd
Today it's concert-time!
Mikael Godée on sopran saxophone, me on voice and Mats Eriksson on guitar will perform at 15.30 in Trollhättan. At the venue Insikten. Warmest welcome to listen in to some of the most passionate love-songs found in nordic traditions. The songs are from the Faroe islands, Finland, Norway and Sweden. Time to add Denmark isn't it? That will come sooner or later, I've just found some pearls of songs from Denmark too....


lördag 18 augusti 2012

Mango lassi

Found an easy excellent way of emptying the yoghurt bottles. It's a creamy thick yoghurt we love so much, and it's not so easy to get everything out of the bottle. I add some milk and some mango-orange juice and shake. Voila! Mango lassi.

Win win for us and the environment. I was surpriced to learn how much yoghurt we waste by not emptying the containers it comes in from the shop.

Some like mango lassi with cardamom. I'll try that next time!


Days getting shorter, nights longer

Got this mugs on a beautiful summer day with my dear friends.
Summer holidays are shifting theese days. Time to transform into the other work phase. Time to remember all the summer days that we call sommarlov. I'm so thankful I have a school child at home so this idea of sommarlov (school holidays) are present in our life.

Days get shorter, nights longer. August in all it's glory.
Soon it's more time for night-haze....natt-sudd.

On monday it's definitely time to prepare for the creative work this autumn. I have booked some meetings to prepare for up coming concerts. Now when the song book is processed at the printer in Finland it's time for me to prepare the launch of the book.
Irmelin is in creative phase with new cd to be recorded in October. I will work with music for that theese coming days.

And tomorrow i will sing in Trollhättan with my dear fellow musicians Mikael Godée and Mats Eriksson. It will be great to get together again after the summer.

I'm so full of new ideas now after a long summer.
Can't wait to start work with my dreams and visions.


tisdag 14 augusti 2012

Book of wedding songs script send to the printer

It's not so easy to find the words of how I feel now when the book script is send to the printer. Happiness, yes! And relief, and fear, and joy and nervous.

Gabriella, the graphic designer, and me had a last meeting on Sunday evening looking through the colours and some final small changes. A living document is a living document all the way until it's send away to print..... Here's some photos from the meeting.

For Gabriella and me, it's at least 5 years of creative work together. And with me collecting the songs after I got a book-idea, that's about 17 years. So it's a type of a Vasalopp run, to be willing to never give up the idea. Thank you Bo Ejeby for believeing in us in this project! (The book will be sold by Bo Ejeby Förlag)

Now comes this phase of waiting to hear from the printer, if everything is all right, and finally to have the book in hand one day......
