söndag 18 november 2012

A farewell lullaby

Today I was in the archipelago outside Göteborg, on the island Öckerö, in the old small church. I sang with the choir Mareld in the service. It's the final of a small project where I have visited them to teach some folk songs. Among other songs I choose a lullaby from the island Hönö, very close to Öckerö. It's a very special lullaby with no similar lyrics found elsewhere.

Byss bysseli byss, jag vaggar dej nu,
likt vinden som en blomma blir du vaggad nu.
Sov en stund, en liten blund,
jag vaggar dej hoppfulla blomma.

By by by, I comfort you now,
like the wind as a flower I comfort you now.
Sleep a little while, sleep a bit,
I comfort you, flower full of hope.

Before the service started I shortly introduced the songs: One of the songs is very local and I would gladly like to hear if anyone have further knowledge of the person who kept this song in his tradition, Åke Bårman. I don't know if it is an old or young lullaby, when this man Åke lived or if he's still alive.

We sang our songs and when the service was almost at the end the priest came to the point where he announces if anyone in the parish has died. So he announced that Åke Bårman just died.

Time stood still for a moment.

This was a total surprice to me. On our way out afterwards I talked with two women who knew that the lullaby came from the father of Åke who just died. So they both had the name Åke, but the younger was more known as Lenny.
I can imagine the father was singing this lullaby to his small son around the time of 1940.

Sleep well Åke Lenny.

By by by, I comfort you now,
like the wind as a flower I comfort you now.
Sleep a little while, sleep a bit,
I comfort you, flower full of hope.

2 kommentarer:

  1. Starkt , vackert.

    Vi sjunger den ofta i Krusidur, tack för att du förmedlat både sången och den här berättelsen!

  2. Vad fint att Krusidur forsätter sjunga den! Vi ses snart!
