tisdag 25 september 2012

Nordic Wedding Music spelar två konserter i samband med boksläpp

Välkommen till boksläpp och konsert!

Nordic Wedding Music. Foto Gabriella Persson.

Stallet Folk- och Världsmusik i Stockholm, dörrarna öppnar för publik kl 19.
Betlehemskyrkan i Göteborg, lördag 29 sept kl 19.

Nordic Wedding Music spelar favoritsånger ur boken Bröllopssånger och kärleksvisor.

Eva Rune - sång

Minna Raskinen - kantele

Mikael Godée - sopransaxofon

Mats Eriksson - gitarr

Efter ett insamlingsarbete på 17 år är boken färdig! Den innehåller 125 sånger ur folklig tradition och är utgiven på Bo Ejeby Förlag. Det är passionerade sånger där den goda kärleken tolkas på många olika sätt. Det finns kärleksvisor, friarvisor, bordsvisor och visor till dans. Nordic Wedding Music har valt att tolka dessa med en stor portion improvisation, i gränslandet mellan folkmusik och jazz. Kärlekssångerna kommer från hela Norden och passar lika bra att sjunga på fest som i vardag. Humor blandas med klokheter i denna skatt som generationer av människor fört vidare i muntligt arv.

Varmt välkomna önskar Eva och NWM!
Mats, Mikael, Eva och Minna på Färöarna 2011. Foto Gabriella Persson.

onsdag 19 september 2012

I have a book

Today I'm gonna shout out loud:
I am pleased to announce that the book is here in the world. It's a moment to celebrate after 17 years of creating, collecting songs, visioning, dreaming, working.

I think you will like it. Here's where you can buy a copy of the book:


Or if you like you can buy it from me directly, same price 240 sek.

It was definitely a big moment for me to go to the publisher Bo Ejeby and see him open the door to the stock, and realize it's THE book piled up there. Hot from the print!
First time hold the book in my hands. With Bo Ejeby, the publisher, and my mom. Leo cuddling up with Bo.

Smiling, but still can't grasp it?
Celebrated with mom and dad who was here visiting. In the evening I brought some books to my choir and celebrated with them by singing together some of songs from the book. Among them we did the lovely Tornedals-finnish song Voi jos sinä voisit minua rakastaa.

Voi jos sinä voisit
minua rakastaa.
Silloin olis onni
minulla päälä maan.

No kyllä kyllä armahani
sinua lemmin mää,
vaikka en ole uskaltannu
sitä ennen ilmottaa.

The two verses could be translated to something like:

Oh if only you could love me, how happy I would walk on earth then.
Oh yes my dear friend, I do love you, but didn't dare to tell you yet.

Now, most of the songs in this book are in swedish, some in norwegian and some in danish. Few from Faroe islands and one jojk and one in tornedals finnish, a language also called meänkieli.

Time to celebrate a new book out of the prints!


fredag 14 september 2012

Premier Blaue Stunde

Today is the day! Tonight is first of two shows of Blaue Stunde.

Alp horns, bücheln, cow horns, herding calls and percussion.

I'm at the hotel still and preparing myself for preformance. It's important to rest and eat well before a concert, do some voice warming up. I actually hear Karin next door doing her warming up now :-)

Earlier today I did a small tour, walking to the nearby town center of Pratteln.

Pretty Pratteln....

Small streets of Pratteln.

Below: Alphorn picture at the yoghurt.

Maria, yesterday at rehersal break.

Ok, now it's time to pack the clothes for tonight. The concert clothes is some type of military clothes....so I guess I'll bring something more glamorous for the get together after the performance.


tisdag 11 september 2012

Thunders and callings

The mediterranean heat of yesterday turned today to a dark clouded sky with lightenings and thunder. We had to reherse part time in the tents just beside the roman theatre. Today we tried out costumes, blue and many shades of grey and blue. Just like the colour of the hour we are going to create music for, Blaue Stunde.
Karin tries out a jacket.

Alp horn troups.
Alp horn have such an amazing tone. Especially when it's out doors..... to reherse in the tent with many horns + kulning (our herding calls) makes the ears quite weary, I can tell.

So I'm enjoying a quiet evening in my hotel room, my soul filled with sound of todays rehersals.

Good night in Basel!


måndag 10 september 2012

Irmelin adventures in Basel

Augusta Raurica, a roman theater. Here we've been rehersing the whole day and met the great crew of musicians and directors that will create and perform Blaue Stunde on Friday and Saturday.
 It's been hot hot summer! I packed mostly autumn clothes....but nevertheless, it's just fantastic to experience this place + the sounds and music we explore.
Alp horn. What a lovely sound they make! It's the nature scale and a beautiful deep drone. To this we make the herding calls. Is this awesome or what?

But long days, oh yes. Tomorrow and the next few days is full of work. That's the way we like it!

Time to have a rest!


onsdag 5 september 2012

Premier bike-trip of the year

A little late maybe....to start bike season today 5th of September.
I just had to prioritate lots of other things all spring and summer. Life is taking new turns, music take a lot of time, we had a little dog moving in our home, a book has been written and created. So, it feels much better to give my energy to the bike now when there's space again. Oh, my bike is humble in needs of time, but anyhow, everything has it's time to get started.

This time a brand new battery was required. The old battery had done it's last trip. Yesterday I brought Leo with me to go and buy a battery at Kenneth's MC. Lucky surprice they have a dog in the shop/mechanic, Tim, a French Bulldog. Leo and Tim made friends, even if Leo was behaving a bit teenage-dog-like. Tim had great patience with Leo's youngster spirit.

This morning the new battery was put back into place, and on the fourth try the engine started. I have made a smaller trip and it feels great to drive the bike again!


måndag 3 september 2012

It is fun to ski

Some more nice things found at Herräng 2nd hand.

Book by Mora Nisse: I vita spår. I love the design of the cover.

 Tomorrow is choir day! I realize I'm looking forward with a brand new kind of feeling. Just the joy of having a choir where I can work in a way that I wish I was a member/singer in the choir myself. Today I have been preparing for tomorrows rehersal. Written some new arrangements, there will be some new things never heard before.

Have a good laugh at theese lovely animals photobombing:

Good night all!


söndag 2 september 2012

Recycling rules, vintage in my heart

I get a lot of inspiration going to 2nd hand. In this I love to go shopping! It's so many beautiful clothes out there. The quality and style is often perfect, unique, when a good piece of clothing has been used before and still look great. Sometimes it's not used at all. Just out of fashion.

Fashion fades, style is eternal. I've also found some really nice things for the home.

Pot and necklace from private 2nd hands in Herräng. Vase from local 2nd hand in Angered.

Found my mirror at last at local 2nd hand day. Ågs bruk.

Tea cups found at private 2nd hand in Övertänger.
Silky underdress found at 2nd hand in Svärdsjö. 1940-50th?

It's all about being nature friendly.
From very reliable sources I know that this weekend there has been the famous DAK market euphoria in 2nd hand in Falun. Happy time! I know people who hold this event higher than Christmas!

Good wishes to you from a rainy day in Göteborg.
