söndag 10 juni 2012

By the lake

The third and last photo session for the songbook was made yesterday. By the lake Delsjön close to Göteborg we set up our little camp base, being proactive against rain. No rain fell at all wich was lucky, and we got good clouds with a small sun beams now and then. Perfect light conditions!

And the team, oh how I love them. Janne photographer, Gabriella, graphic designer, and Eva, stylist. Because they all share so much of their care, love, laughter and good connection with people. It made us all prepared to give everything, and the models of the day created magic infront of the camera. Thank you our lovely models, Erik, Andreas, Lena and Håkan.

Eva is fixing the kravatt again, and again, and again..... Andreas and Erik our models in the morning-session.

Coffé in the forest is always great. Breakfast actually.

Janne our photographer.

Eva is styling Lena for the afternoon session.

Gabriella is fixing Lena's hair flower. The theme has been paper flowers the whole way through.

Preparations always take the most time.
Then when it was action in front of the camera we could witness a rare thing. Can you imagine something more beautiful than Håkan and Lena who got married years ago, now standing surrounded by water and forest, holding hands and talking secretly by themselves about their long life together. We couldn't hear, just see the most magic and caring touch between two souls, two hearts so twined together. I'm honuored to be present in this moment.

Our models have been so brave in all our 6 photos. We placed the models into scenery and staged the situation. Still they gave us all the magic, personality and connection that will shine through the photo's in the book.

I will not show anything here on the blogg that looks a bit alike the photo's Janne made. That will have to stay as a secret and be a surprice when the book is released.


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