onsdag 18 juli 2012

Dreams of Faroe Islands

Do you also return to places time after time in your dreams? This night I was in the green atlantic islands of my dreams again. I often come back to the Faroe Islands. In the dream I was travelling on a boat going between the many islands, and I saw huge whales just under the surface. There was a mother whale and her baby, they where light grey in their skin. Some of my friends where on the boat as well. I woke up with a feeling of happiness and peace.

All my life I've been interested to go to places where I have a view. Like mountains, the northern mountains of Sweden, wich in some ways are a little bit similar to the Faroe Islands.

I love to see the sky from horizon to horizon.

And the sea.

I can study the colours of the sea and the sky, colours that hardly can be captured in a photo. Fog and haze and light create the miracles of beauty in theese places.

Somehow I have prefered to walk there, while my sister is a true sailing woman, adventurous on the sea.

I'm more a mountain soul.

When I climb up I get so excited to see what's behind the top of the mountain, what's the view on the other side?

Last summer on Mykines.

I'm longing to go back.

Take a look at the clouds and the sky today, maybe you will see some extraordinary light and beauty.


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