...when I miss my daughter. I know, she and I really agreed that friends is number one on a sunny hot day and you are 10 years and there's school holidays. And best of all is to have the chance to stay over night and giggle and laugh and sleep late. I'm happy of all my heart to see her jump for joy to go see her best friends.
But tomorrow our roads will go to different places, and then comes this period of 2 weeks without each other. That's about the longest time I don't see her. And just recently she was away on another journey.
In short time she will be old enough to prio her friends all the time. That's the way it goes, and should be.
I want to share with you a lovely book. It happened that I came
across a pocket book by chance, and it was really a good summer reading.
Uplifting. Encouraging.
About mothers and daughters. A bit of an insight in the living and thinking in the island Tahiti. And especially for me in theese days of missing my dear daughter, how to let one's daughter go her own way.
Original title: Frangipani.
Written by Célestine Hitiura Vaite, 2004
Title in swedish translation: I kloka kvinnors sällskap
I'll save all our moments in my heart. My daughter, now also our
little dog, us together. How happy my daughter is when she's hugging our
The dog has been having trouble with food lately.
Sensitive little thing, poor little wee thing in the hot sunny summer
days. Not really keeping food and water that well. Went to the vet today
and bought really expensiv diet care food, for the sensitive. And some
micro bio treatment, equally expensive. Anyway, it feels good to be
proactive, before something worse might occur.
Something I found at Jonssons Fik och butik in Enviken.
Perfume: Shanghai Rose, lime zest.
And green glass in different shades. I had a dream just after moving to this apartment that I found the most lovely green glass items in a second hand store.
I'm even dreaming about second hand shopping :-)
Long live the culture of high quality stuff and re-cykling!
Next concert is tomorrow in Sölvesborg, together with my song-sisters in Irmelin!
I love you!
Love you too:)
SvaraRaderaHej my love, see you soon :)