fredag 11 maj 2012

Café in Göteborg where you can bring your dog

Yesterday I had a lunch meeting with Gabriella, graphic designer of my book of wedding songs and love songs. Here's Leo on his first book meeting. It's not allowed to bring dogs in most cafés and restaurants, but here's one exception. Condecco, situated in Compassen shopping mall. Good for us! Leo must learn all the parts of creative life, including meetings with other creative people.

The whole process of making the book will soon come to the photo sessions. We are having our friends coming in as models. I'm so much looking forward to create the scenes and the themes of the photos. Everything, every detail, will be concidered, so the artwork will correspond to our visions of each chapter.
Gabriella said, note this, she said - it was not my suggestion - that Leo could also be a model in the photo somewhere, because he's so photogenic :-)

Good evening from me in Greifswald, Germany.

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