This day was a long challenge, and I haven't felt so stressed in a long time. What is it? Haven't I had some time to relax after all the gigs in April? Is it the final process of creating the song book? Was it all the economical paper work and deadlines for applications and reports? Yes, I think so, and the out sight of looking to a mountain of new paperwork to be done. I almost felt like crying.
Isn't it amazing? All musicians I know say the same, it's just endless of administration eating up our time. And we all agree on how much we long to make music! Good meetings today, and visionary work compleeted, new plans for Hannu Kella and me in one project, and another project too together with some other musicians. So much to look forward too....I will tell you more later about this new thing coming up.
In the evening the relaxed-fun part of the day started. My daughter and I sat down to play Harry Potter-cards, eating forgotten Easter sweets we found, it had become a little bit hard, but who cares.
I would really like to share this with you. A lesson in how to say no, and to honest and loving to yourself and others. Could be the lesson of the day for me.
Last year I took a course in mindfulness. It was excellent, and I have since then used a lot of the lessons there. But I have to admit I should re-read some of it. It's easy to forget, to forget what's really important to me, and how I can take good care of myself.
Music music....
Time to put my two babies to and daughter, two big sweethearts!
Hög igenkänningsfaktor!
SvaraRaderaHjärnan vet precis vad man ska göra och inte göra för att må bra och undvika stress, men ibland är det dålig koppling till minnescentrat.
Apropå mindfulness, att ha ett par korta, återkommande, "tamigtillbakatillnuet" övningar per dag (ungefär som tandborstningen) är bättre än att sätta målet för högt.