fredag 6 december 2013

Living freedom all the way from within and out

When I woke up this morning and opened the news, I was struck by the sad news of Nelson Mandela has passed away.
I quietly shouted out. My daughter asked what it was about and I told her this brave man has after a some time of illness now got his rest and peace. I think it was time for him.

But I strongly feel the loss. It's been good to know Nelson Mandela is with us in this world to share his wisdom in current situations. He's been part of my whole youth and time of growing up, continously.

One of my friends in Cape Town got this reply on her FB wall after the news spread.
"Good night, Madiba. There have been very few people in politics who are worthy of the accolades they greedily claim for themselves. You were different. You were better. Africa mourns in quiet respect because their lion sleeps, tonight."

I will for sure keep on studying what he said. What he did. His example is outstanding. He is part of what formed me to look at freedom and equality for all, and take a stand for the smallest, the children, the poor. On the day, way back in those days, TV broadcasted him walking out of the prison I cried. Tears of joy.

Advent calendar
#6 Make a dance for life in your living room.

Do I really want to dance in my living room today? Yes, a dance can express everything that is life, every feeling. Dancing is a way of making peaceful revolution, a way of living freedom. Didn't we see that many times in the history of South Africas struggle for freedom?

Så kom den dagen då du får vila Nelson, och komma hem till Qunu och till dina förfäder och ursprung. ♥ Oändligt stor tacksamhet och respekt för din kamp för frihet, din begåvning att leda till försoning, kärlek, förståelse. Kärlek är större än hat. Världen går att förändra. Förändringen börjar i varje enskild person. Världen kommer att sakna dig men minnas allt du levde och stod för.


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