söndag 29 december 2013

Way faring stranger coming home

It was absolutely crowded, almost three people on every two chairs and people standing inside and outside the venue of Gamla Elverket in Falun. Someone said it was the highest number ever in the crowd.
It was a very special manifestation of music, poetry, spoken word that all centered in one person. Tommy Johansson.
Yesterday night was his farewell concert.

I think everyone on stage and in the crowd has a reason to give deepest thanks to Tommy for his determination to stand up for the creative, the misfits, the entrepreneurs, the weak, the abandoned kids in our society. He's been part of giving a room for everyone to work through culture a way out from drugs or loneliness. The open arms at Gamla Elverket, the atmosphere there, is in one way or another part of Tommys work with this place. Of course many other great people are co-creators with Tommy and keep on doing this very special work in Falun.

When culture change the world.

Now it's time for carry his torch further, without him. He's got short time left to live, he's seriously ill.

Nevertheless Tommy was up on stage yesterday, singing his own songs, adding the words "to come home". Courageusly giving us a full speach on his situation, his dreams for Gamla Elverket, his love for life and his dear ones, his fear to die and also his acceptance and peace to let go. He will look forward to play music again with his friends who has gone before him.
The whole room was electrified with emotions in this moment, you could reach out with your hand and touch that strong love that was shared.

You are already young.

On stage there was a great number of musicias who all paid their homage to Tommy. Among others we heard Stina Berge, David Tallroth, Jennifer Fergusson, Pierre Swärd, Pelle Lindström, The Tallest Man on Earth, Idiot Wind.

The Tallest Man on Earth & Idiot Wind

Gamla Elverket take part in an art-project, Before I die. Several notes where placed on the walls.

My thoughts today goes to Tommy and his family. Thank you for this great reminder again and again that we have to live our lives fully and at our best as long as we are here.


Takini - survivor. Wounded Knee Survivors Run


Remember Wounded Knee 29 of December.

Descendants of survivors of the massacre 1890 at Wounded Knee run for remembering and honouring the lost ones.

"We run so that we may live".
It's to be part of the change, to be victors, winners.

To die and come back again.

They never died at Wounded Knee

tisdag 24 december 2013

Singing and dancing the night away

I wish you all a beautiful Christmas filled with love and caring for each other.

One of my favourites, Es ist ein ros entsprungen. Somehow I do enjoy the street life outfits they have while singing so angelic.

Christmas eve is The big Christmas celebration in Sweden. Now this is a christmas when my daughter goes to her dad and his family I've got the perfect opportunity to be part in an open alternative christmas party. Food is donated by two restaurants, there will be music and gifts for the kids, and everyone is welcome. All this revelry happens in the church of Hjällbo where I work part time. Soon time to go there.

Christmas started yesterday for me at the local danc club. I have tired legs today after dancing the night away. Lindy hop and balboa, you rock!

Swing DJ Gasper Hrovat is spinning the discs for us.

Love from Eva

söndag 22 december 2013

To eco-nomy from ego-nomy

Advent calendar #22
Write a short poem of three lines.

In this time of the year it's obvious that commersialism is a problem to many of us. The way we consume, buy and try to fill our lives with stuff. And a majority on our earth have just no possibility to take part in this, the question of poverty is a painful reality.

The child birth in Betlehem wich started our Chistmas history is somehow forgotten. How this child was born into poverty, and had to flee to Egypt  just a couple of weeks old with his young parents. To escape threat of life. This is what the story tells, if you believe it or not.

I love Christmas-time, I'm lucky to have a good history of how to gather in the family, open the doors for friends around us who maybe don't have a family to go to. I've spend Christmas in many different ways, in foreign countries, in big gatherings of friends, in smaller family settings. I feel I'm ready to have one more type of Christmas. Tell you later.

Then I came across this little excellent film on sacred economy. As another voice in the ongoing debate.

If you might think that new ecnomy systems have support from small groups of die hard fans, then take a look at the Idle No More movement, who proudly carry indigenous way of caring and sharing, respecting Mother Earth and maintain life in a beautiful way.
Women hand drummers called to the front. Idle No More 1 year anniversary
I love theese pictures!


lördag 21 december 2013

Winter solstice

Darkest day of the year.

Solstice meaning in Latin: to stand still, as in when the sun stands still before reversing its direction.

Join in for the new dawn, the returning of light.
Celebrations of many diverse kind is happening all around the world. In Idle No More movement there's a call for joining in local events (all around the world) of drumming, singing, dancing. Wish I could be there. My part taking will be listening to music and writing on a future project.

We have about 6 hours of daytime in Sweden this day. So I light my candle and have one more cup of coffé.

torsdag 19 december 2013

Up in my head

The last few days I've had my share of catching a cold. We all have to go that road sometimes.
It gave me a welcome break to stop for a while and reflect, slow down, make minimum effort.

Dog has to be walked, and that's about how much I get out in a day. But when Göteborg weather looks like this it's very short walks and the dog runs back home again.

I've spend some time listening to music. Found this favourite again. Sister Rosetta Tharpe. I love her guitar solo at about 1.40 in to the clip.

My brain has always been spinning a lot. That's the way it goes, I'm creative that way. Voices talking all the time up in my head.
I've just turned a little bit to a different direction, and it makes me vital in a good way.

Instead of figure it out - live it out.

The words come from Chase Iron Eyes. Thanks a lot for sharing this perspective. It takes some time to really let it sink in. But I'm working on it.
Chase Iron Eyes is doing great work to put an end to the stealing of children from his community, listen to him here:

Greetings on the day before winter solstice.

onsdag 18 december 2013

Make room

Advent calendar # 18
Make room for realizing one of your many dreams.

I've been dreaming for several years to spend more time on writing. This autumn I was in a writing workshop focusing on lyrics for music. Thank you Sofie Jansson, your teachings was right on spot! So much inspiration.  I want to keep on this process of creativity. A good tool box for writers was one of the great things with this course. Another good thing is to start write a diary over inspirational things, encounters, everything inspiring. Thanks to the choice of home work we got from Sofie I also tried what it is to go on an artist date with myself. I will have to do that again.

Good night!

måndag 16 december 2013

The dark season

Advent calendar # 16
Put on your favourite song that gives you some good energy.

Do you feel tired sometimes? Tired of the dark season, also with it's metaphor to what's happening around us? I guess it happens to all of us from time to time. We all need something to balance up all the dark signs we constantly is fed with through media and elsewhere around us. And the old school way of dealing with it, light a candle, take action, don't mourn - organize.

Here's one of my inspirations where I find a way to move forward. Artist Aaron Paquette in Canada, one of the promotors of the grass root movement Idle No More. See his paintings and blog here: www.aaronpaquette.net
He has a gentle way of spreading courage to be yourself,
to be your beautiful self, to have courage and make a change.
Change is the way to change.
And it starts with everyone of us. Use your abilities, your shortcomings, your talent.
Conquer your fears.
Don't just live your life, live your best life.

His talk on depression and accomplishement is worth listening to.

söndag 15 december 2013

Involving every guest in the room

Advent calendar #15
Tell a friend how much you appreciate him or her.

Yesterday evening was one of a kind.
After some bus adventures in rain and darkness we headed out on the ferry to the islands outside Göteborg. We finally got to the atelier/gallery where this evening's party was going to take place. A fire basket welcomed us, and already in the garden I knew here is a place for diverse creativity.
The sweet couple Lena and Mats, artist and musician, invited friends for a christmas singing evening. Gunnar Eriksson is among their friends for years and years, so they asked him to bring along some of his singers and musicians who could guide through an improvised free happening of old songs, new experiences. It was not a christmas concert as we know it since before.
Anders Jormin on double base was there too, what pure joy to hear him improvise and add his musical colors to all the voices. He's professeur in jazz in both in Göteborg University and Sibelius Academy in Helsinki. Outstanding musician touring the world.
I was asked to come with and I felt I could not miss out this new approach to making christmas music. High expectations but it turned out even more fun and unpredictable.

This was an evening when we sang for eachother and with eachother, weaving music, having no sheets of music, just singing from the heart. Gunnar inventing new patterns in music instantly, and involving every guest in the room.

Nice food and wine, many a good story and laughter. Storytelling at it's sweet form developed among local jazz musicians, and Gunnar's many anecdotes from his travelling.

After midnight my friend Gabriella and me danced lindy hop to live music. I had brought my dance shoes, you never know when the opportunity comes.


fredag 13 december 2013

Writing a song

Advent calendar #13
Do something you love to do but you sometimes forget to do it.

I'm working on a new piece of music. It's sometimes in the middle of the night when I sit processing words and music, can't stop.

Vinterns första dag,
tunn kall luft mot mitt ansikte.
Anar röken när jag andas ut.
Rinner ner för backen,
kanar på skorna som en dag.

Iver och fart,
nu händer det snart,
gränsen är nära
hoppet är här.
Hjärtat tickande i halsen.

Falla eller flyga?
Blunda eller se?
Fråga och få svar.

Andas, andas.

Hemma igen.

Ser dig där du står,
och jag lutar mig
mot din värme.


onsdag 11 december 2013

Water color

Advent calendar #11
Make yourself a cup of tea and sit down with a book.

Yesterday I painted with water color. Strong flash backs came up. It's the water color kit I used in my young days and I know exactly each shade of the blue, the occre yellow, the red and green.

Lots of Christmas songs these days, and I love it. Yesterday for senior's club. Solo performance for 45 minutes. It was a gloomy rainy day, and that's why it feels so good to bring out all the sngs about light in the darkness again.
Today I will do music and a little theatre for children in Hjällbo. Our premier show of our christmas show. So I better prepare myself now.

Dear reader, I wish you a good day there!

Good morning song from old christmas play:

God morgon god morgon kär fader         
-vi tackom nu så gärna
Gud låte er vakna glader
-allt för den ljusa stjärnan.
Ingen dager syns ännu,
Utan ljus och stjärna som för dagen pläga gå.

God morgon god morgon kär moder
Gud låte er vakna goder.

Vi ser på eder skorsten grå
Att kaffepannan hon är på
Ingen dager syns ännu,
Utan ljus och stjärna som för dagen pläga gå.

Östanväder och nordanvind
Får vi lov så går vi in

Ack kära far, ack kära mor
-vi bedja er så gärna
Ge oss en liten ljusesnopp
-att sätta i vår stjärna.

Hår på en höna och fjär på en katt
Vi önska er alla en fröjdefull natt
Ingen dager syns ännu,
Utan ljus och stjärna som för dagen pläga gå.

            trad. Vingåker

Song from Christmas play in Hälsingland:

I Österland där en stjärna uppgick,          
ovanligen månde den brinna.
Tre visemän efter Guds allvisa skick
Gud sände det barnet att finna.

Från Midians land kom de löpare tre
som ville den nyfödde konungen se,
de offrade håvor och ära.

De offrade rökelse, myrra och guld
det heliga barnet var oss så huld,
Jesum vår frälsare kära.

När konung Herodes fick höra det tal
att en konung var födder till världen.
Fick han i sitt hjärta bekymmer och kval,
och trakta’ därefter att mörda.

Men Josef tog barnet och Maria
och flydde sen in i Egyptens land,
ur fattigdom, köld och elände.

            från Rogsta, Hälsingland

måndag 9 december 2013

I've endured

Advent Calendar #9
This song has been one of my favourites for years. This morning I had it for breakfast.
Tim O'Brien: I've endured.

Born in the mountains, many years ago
Climbed these hills and valleys through the rain and snow
I've seen the lightning flashin', heard the thunder roll

I've endured, I've endured, how long must one endure

Barefoot in the summer, on into the fall
Too many mouths to feed, they couldn't clothe us all
Sent to church on Sunday to learn the golden rule

I've endured, I've endured, how long must one endure

I've worked for the rich, I've lived with the poor
I've seen many heartaches and I'll see many more
I've lived loved and sorrowed, been through success's door

I've endured, I've endured, how long must one endure

lördag 7 december 2013

A musicians guide to coffé in town and out door

Advent Calendar #7
Have some gingerbread. There's a quote that says "eating gingerbread makes you kind."

Coffée was plenty today.
Coffé in the morning with a dear friend who is one of my muses, sometimes appearing with messages in night dreams.
Coffé at work with Myst during intense workshop with composer Roger Johansson.
Coffe at lunch break with Myst.
Coffé after work with Myst going out in the dark December evening in Göteborg city.

This evening I went to the yearly christmas concert my daughters school's music classes give. I totally give in to all the beautiful voices, young voices, their tenderness that grown up choirs might lack, the choice of some of the finest traditional christmas songs. This starts to be a very important tradition to go to their christmas concert in Johannebergs church.

Nothing compares to having coffé outdoor.
If you want to know how a Sami Coffé pro, Anne Wuolab, is preparing coffé, have a look at this: Nordic coffee culture

Sharing with you some sami fashion from Norway, redesign by Charlotte Nilsen.

fredag 6 december 2013

Living freedom all the way from within and out

When I woke up this morning and opened the news, I was struck by the sad news of Nelson Mandela has passed away.
I quietly shouted out. My daughter asked what it was about and I told her this brave man has after a some time of illness now got his rest and peace. I think it was time for him.

But I strongly feel the loss. It's been good to know Nelson Mandela is with us in this world to share his wisdom in current situations. He's been part of my whole youth and time of growing up, continously.

One of my friends in Cape Town got this reply on her FB wall after the news spread.
"Good night, Madiba. There have been very few people in politics who are worthy of the accolades they greedily claim for themselves. You were different. You were better. Africa mourns in quiet respect because their lion sleeps, tonight."

I will for sure keep on studying what he said. What he did. His example is outstanding. He is part of what formed me to look at freedom and equality for all, and take a stand for the smallest, the children, the poor. On the day, way back in those days, TV broadcasted him walking out of the prison I cried. Tears of joy.

Advent calendar
#6 Make a dance for life in your living room.

Do I really want to dance in my living room today? Yes, a dance can express everything that is life, every feeling. Dancing is a way of making peaceful revolution, a way of living freedom. Didn't we see that many times in the history of South Africas struggle for freedom?

Så kom den dagen då du får vila Nelson, och komma hem till Qunu och till dina förfäder och ursprung. ♥ Oändligt stor tacksamhet och respekt för din kamp för frihet, din begåvning att leda till försoning, kärlek, förståelse. Kärlek är större än hat. Världen går att förändra. Förändringen börjar i varje enskild person. Världen kommer att sakna dig men minnas allt du levde och stod för.


torsdag 5 december 2013


Advent calendar #5: Write down three things that fills you with inspiration.

Idle No More brings me enormous inspiration. I would like to recommend this excellent blog post by Aaron Paquette where he summons up what the first year of Idle No More-movement has created.

 Aaron Paquette on Idle No More and future.

tisdag 3 december 2013

Living room song circle with Lei-La

One of the finest things I know is to have a choir.
People who come for the reason to sing together,
for each other,
for one self.
And tonight it was back to the way how it all started,
living room song circle.

Many years ago I had a kind of open house on certain Saturdays, in my own home, when anyone could come and join and sing. It was a bit underground informal, some people knew me from earlier workshops and word spread from mouth to ear.

For now my apartment is a bit too small for hosting the whole choir Lei-La. We are so lucky we've been invited to sing in the house where Tommy and Kerstin lives, a house on the hill near the forest.

Since we don't do much eating when we have the regular choir rehearsals we had an agreement to do this even more tonight. A wonderful potluck party, in the way only choirs can create.
Eating, singing,
eating more,
singing more.

If you would happen to be interested in joining our choir we are accepting new members in January.
You can just contact me and I'll give you the info.

Advent calendar:
#3 Know when it's time to give up and happily lay down on the sofa.


måndag 2 december 2013

Rose walk

My latest finding of vintage rugs. Name of the pattern? Rose walk or other?

Constantly innovative pattern from this careful weaver.
Unfolding new discoveries all the time. Like music.

Vintage rug turned into a sofa cover. Dog owner sofa style.


Vintage bag Moomin Mama style.

The sun is on the rise and it's time to take the dog out for his second walk today.
The dog is sleepy and would prefer to stay in his bed.

Two big hearts of ginger bread is hanging in the kitchen windows now.
Sun beams fall on the side of the hearts.
Spreading that lovely spice scent in the room.


lördag 30 november 2013

Grand mothers

Grandmothers mother. Hello to you!
Your ginger breads are the best!
So I finally made it doing my grandmother quest.

This day started at the local second hand,
and looking at what I found it's a lot about honouring the grand mothers.

I returned home with a few treasures. A fine woven handcrafted rug, with carefully choosen patterns named rose walk.
Walk on roses, rose way.

My heart beats for this type of recylcled fabric rugs.
Like a story of life
they tell about how one handcrafter has transformed clothes and other textile stuff into a piece of art.
Maybe the dress was once the must have item,
the dress to wear for a special occasion,
a dance,
a date?

When clothes were worn out they could become material for making this type of rug.


Another finding today was the little hand-bag suitable for moomin mama.
Decorated with roses.

Because it's advent I wanted to make our windows. Cleaning and all.
They have been neglected for a while I might say,
a creative woman can't have a perfect home.
Now I felt it was just right time to have a clear view. It's all about having a clear view in life.
No dirt shading the outlook.
I pray I will be given clear sight in these days.

My grand mother Agnes was a top of the line window cleaner. I mean, it was part of her vision of the home, not her profession. More of a passion.
Her skin was the softest by all compare, when I think of soft skin I always think of her skin.
Her hands, her cheeks.
She used a hand creme in a green tube, shaped like the tooth paste tube. I remember the fragrances of this hand creme, and it was transparent, not white. Like a gel. It gave me a feeling of coolness on my skin when I tried it.
Trousers and a blouse was what she was wearing most of the time. And curls in her short grey hair.

In my family on grand mother's side we have a recipie for ginger bread wich is one of the best on the christmas cake parties.
Ceremonial cake parties.
In the afternoon today we made this special ginger bread and I can assure it smells good in the kitchen. The recipie is after my grandmothers mother. Hanna Karlsson, born 1890.

Grandmothers mother. Hello to you!
Your ginger breads are the best!

tisdag 26 november 2013


Så vackert det är ute nu!

På marken fann jag detta fenomen, kallat "vätte-hår". Iskristaller byggs upp till ett fluff. Förr trodde man att vättarna fått bråttom när gryningen kom och att deras hår och skägg fastnat i grenar när de skyndade sig hem igen.

Morgonpromenad med hund är bland det bästa sättet man kan börja en dag på.

måndag 25 november 2013

Kören Lei-La öppen repetition

Kom och sjung med oss när mörkret faller på!

Tisdag 26 november är det öppen repetition med kören Lei-La i Folkets Hus i Hammarkullen kl 19. Alla som vill komma och uppleva hur vi jobbar med sången och folkmusiken är varmt välkomna. Det blir delvis att lyssna på kören och delvis att själv sjunga med.

* I Lei-La använder vi inga noter utan allt lärs in genom att lyssna och härma.
* Körledare är Eva Rune, folksångerska med internationellt arbetsfält och mottagare av Angereds kulturpris 2010.
* Sångerna är folkmusik av olika slag, ibland svängigt och ibland lyssnande stilla vackert.
* Både kvinnor och män sjunger i kören och det krävs inga inträdesprov för att få börja.
* Röstuppvärmning varje gång mellan kl 19.00 - 19.20, för hela kroppens och röstens välbefinnande.
* Terminsavgift 1000 kr för 12 tillfällen. Reducerat pris för studenter, ungdomar, arbetssökande, 500 kr.

Vi håller denna öppna repetition för att välkomna nya medlemmar med start efter nyår, kanske några som är lokalt bosatta? Det vore väldigt roligt att träffa fler från Hammarkullen men det är givetvis inget krav var man bor. Det enda som behövs är lust att sjunga och viljan att under 2 x 45 minuterspass experimentera med sång, klang, rytmer, röstens alla utrycksmedel, medhörning med varandra, memorera texter osv.

Jag inspireras av folkmusik från olika delar av världen, hur människor samlas i helt informella sammanhang för att bara sjunga för och med varandra. Living room song circle. Kören Lei-La ger inte så ofta konsert, men i fredags trallade vi till dans på Folkmusikkafeet Allégården för första gången och det gav mersmak.

Finfin chans att komma och prova vad detta är för kör.


fredag 15 november 2013


Nu är det dags att ta fram pärmen med alla julsångerna igen. Jag blir glad!
Dessutom blir det tillfälle att i år få göra julspel med barnen i Hjällbo. Så inför detta och annat ska jag välja bland alla mina favoriter i julsång-pärmen. Jag försöker också lägga till någon sång som är ny för mig själv varje år. Därför har jag nu börjat sjunga "Hören I herdar i skogar och ängar", som finns på Sågskäras jul-cd Apelgrå. En ny favorit helt klart, en sång med fokus på herdarna. Och jag är just färdig med ett trestämmigt arrangemang som min kör kan få prova.

--> -->
Hören I herdar i skogar och ängar
Hasten från hjorden I vakande drängar
Höres ett budskap från himmelen klar
En frälsare är födder i Betlehems stad

Vilar du konung i linnande klutar
Var är de purpur och präktige putor?
Har du i båsen om vinteren kall
Nu tagit dig härberg bland åsnor i stall

Dig skadar ej kölden i krubba på strå
Din kärlek uppvärmer de lemmarne små
Din kärlek uppvärmer nu all jordens rund
Och strålar så vida allt i denna stund

Var nu välkommen min salighets förste
Jag som efter din salighet törster
Var nu välkommen och lägra dig in
Uti mitt hjärta och brinnande sinn

Trad Halta Kajsa, Agunnaryd.

Stjärnspel är ett äldre namn för julspel. Ett namn som klingar som vintergatan, snöklädda skogar, ljus i mörkret.

Min kör Lei-La ska sjunga julsånger bara för oss själva i år. Vi får se om det till ett annat år blir läge att bjuda på någon form av Stjärnspels-konsert.

torsdag 24 oktober 2013

Things I didn't think would happen

Today I was asked to be a computer support. Concerning a PC-question! Both of this is surprising to me. I've never felt like some kind of a computer person. From the start I was more of a mac user, because all the musicians in my connections were already using mac. Now I have to dig deeper into the world of PC because that's the environment on my new job as a youth leader in the church.

So that's another thing I didn't think would happen.
I have a regular job. That's revolutionary for me, since I've always been a free lance musician and that's all I know how to do. A regular job with a steady income, that's a whole new culture. I do this on part time, 50%. Maybe I run the music 100% like before, so it's a bit of a puzzle with time.... The appointment is to do this youthleader job for 6 month. After that I don't know but probably it will be music business as usual.

The youth leader job is organized by the church. Regular swedish church. I didn't think I would get a job there either. I don't have the required education. But maybe I have the heart on the right place. I would never ever feel confortable with some sort of conservative religious congregation. But in this case I have found the best place to be. This particular congregation of Hjällbo is open minded, focused on social equality and human rights, inter-religous events now and then. I'm so proud to be part of the future.

I see us all connected. Today I set myslef to understand more of the prayer "All My Relations". I googled, found a little bit on Wiki, and it's also a hash-tag on twitter. I follow blogs and twitter where I see the use of the phrase "All My Relations" as a greeting.

Like this, answering on a blog post:

"All my Relations! Aaron, thank you for speaking the truth in such a beautiful way! Michelle Morning Star Doherty"

To be connected to the whole universe, earth, humanity and everything living upon it. All my relatives.

Here's a clip from youtube, you can listen to the prayer and have it explained.

Tonight at the youth meeting we are discussing the topic of togetherness, community, sense of belonging. That's also a way of celebrating United Nations Day.


söndag 20 oktober 2013

MUKO Sweden festival and a day of love

Irmelin did a great day yesterday, taking part in the first ever festival of MUKO Sweden. Music Collective (=MUKO) manifested ourselves for the first time.
Irmelin pictures

With a 8 band long festival including  childrens concert and whole night long row of music at Storan, Göteborg. 6 bands from our own power house of MUKO and two international acts. I especially enjoyed listening to Mikael Godee and Eve Beuvens quartet (Sweden and Belgium) and Jaron Freeman Fox and the Opposite of Everything (Canada). Sparkling energy. Deep and sensitive. Fun!

Mikael Godée & Eve Beuvens Quartet

All the other bands are super interesting too, but because Irmelin performed so much ourselves I couldn't hear everything I wanted to.

Irmelin sang in the opening ceremony of the festival, and immediately after we had to run to next gig. My friend Thomas married Cecilia and Irmelin provided with love songs and bridal march. A truly enlighted moment was to call out with our voices only in herding calls over the fields where the bride and groom walked up to their friends and family who had gathered to celebrate with them.

Yes, a long day of love indeed.

Music in all directions. Love for what we believe in.

Irmelin headed back to Göteborg and Storan Theater to get up on stage there a second time in the MUKO festival. We were carried of the support from among others the members of my choirs who came to listen. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. 

I'm happy to say we also made a statement from stage yesterday, in support and solidarity with all who stand up for mother earth and protect her from big company greed, mining companies. In solidarity with Gallok in Jokkmokk, Sweden, as well as anti-fracking movement in Canada and elsewhere. Our thoughts goes to the situation in New Brunswick in Canada where military made a crack down on unarmed peaceful protesters and shoot rubber bullets and teargas. Snipers aiming at singing and praying elders, women, children. Peaceful protesters, you have all the love and support that the corporations envy and fear so much. Your songs, drums, dances and prayers are more powerful than bullets. Put your boots on the ground, stand up for future clean nature to our children and their children.

Today I could think of resting a bit......and dream of all the goodies from yesterday.

torsdag 17 oktober 2013

Autumn gold #snyggtmedute

My dogwalks, my prime time.

This is where I breathe fully deep.
My inspiration.
In spiration.


Put your boots on the ground

Susane of the Mi'kmaq Warrior Society.

She's young, smart, and warrior. "The corporate monsters envy us of what we have, we have all the love and support that we can gather and we need more, "

"Join us and put your boots on the ground, flood their mailboxes."

It can be Gallok in Sweden or Turtle Island in Canada and many other places, but let's speak out and never be silent around what's happening with the earth. In the end, we can't drink polluted water or eat stones.

Let's speak out against corporation greed and colonialisation.

With this I will go out today and work with Irmelin music and take part in a action day in Sweden.

My peaceful protest. Together with about 400.000 swedish coffé drinkers we'll high light fair trade today. A step in the right direction.



söndag 13 oktober 2013

Myst making music

We play together.
We talk.
We share.
We feel pretty sure about this even if it's changing all the time.
Still we feel confident.

Today we talked a lot about tuning of instruments. How they did before the tempered scale and how that affects the whole thing.

We did some new songs and explored ideas in opposite directions. The naive and simple. Or the groovy complex. One thing is not excluding the other.
There is space and freedom.


Root notes.

What do you hear, and what do I hear? Is your root note another compared to mine?

It works.

We talked about where in the music the micro tones appear. In the voice and in the instrument there are micro tones in certain places where it creates emotions when they happen. "Only a digital mind can have micro tones on every place in the scale", as Ahmad described it.

lördag 12 oktober 2013

Irmelin work days in Stockholm, beautiful city

Stockholm one of the most beautiful cities in the world!

This week I had some lovely days in Stockholm together with Karin and Maria, my Irmelin sisters.

Photos are from August when I visited Stockholm for other singing reasons. To take part in a voice-yoga-course.

On the roof top.

If I could be a bird.


tisdag 8 oktober 2013

Irmelin creative days

Spider web with water drops.

Autumn beauty.

In the material world we are here.
But where we are in the wholeness, it's more difficult to tell.

This and next week Irmelin is working on new songs. Music and poetry by us.

Sometimes even collectively made by the three of us in Irmelin.

Among other things that inspire me is simplicity. That a painter can paint just a few lines and create art with simplicity. I'm not there yet. But it makes me curious, and it lights my fire.

Time to prepare for tomorrow and get some rest.

torsdag 3 oktober 2013

First nations ban pipeline, Canada

Very similar to the mining situation in Gallok, Sweden. Corporations come in to exploit and then leave the local people with destroyed home and nature.

We have a right to say no!

The people have the final say.

How can we be inspired by Chief Na'moks speach?


tisdag 1 oktober 2013

Tuesday is choir day, lucky day

Tuesday is the day I conduct my choir, and this brings out lots of things.

Freedom of voice and body.
Happiness to share the singing with others, sing together.
Challenge to learn something new.


måndag 30 september 2013

My own fires

Last weekend of September.

I went to the forest, to the north, to the place where the stars in the sky is bright clear like sparkling ice, milky way mesmerizingly visible.

My clothes and hair is full of smoke from all the fires I made.
I’ve been writing, I’ve been reading.
I walked in the forest and picked berries for the winter.

I’ve been reminded in the fullest of how much we all have to live every day with all courage we can bring about. To live our lives deeply and lovingly. One member of the village, a middle aged man, decided to end his sorrows and find his peace in death. My thoughts goes to his family. The whole village is grieving at this loss, his big heart for animals, people, nature, theater and music. His uniqueness will be gone, but live in our memories. We cannot meet him in the local food store from now on. But what we can do is to live totally and make sure that no child or anyone will be left behind. I speak for myself and I will do my best to connect to the more silent, the few-worded personalities in the future. They have so much to tell, but it takes longer time for them to start to tell. This man carried lots of knowledge and good values.

We must create a true belonging for our young ones. Aren’t we all born to be part of a belonging? Where we will be seen and respected for who we are.

I will take this highly important message with me from my weekend in the north. Also the joy of seing the milky way and the stars, the freedom of walking in the forest, making my own fire. Tomorrow it’s the first day at my new job as youth leader in a nearby church, in the suburb of Hjällbo. This will be a golden opportunity to get in touch with our young ones in my own neighborhood, in my lovely Angered-hoods in Göteborg. The job is a part time job, 50% and I will still have many fruitful music collaborations going on. Irmelin, Myst, and my choir Lei-La plus more solo appearances.
