Everyday I follow the development of Idel No More in Canada. It's powerful to see a grassroot movement rise up like this. Many human rights organisations has now shown support for Chief Theresa Spence who are on hunger strike for the cause.
What is the cause? It's to establish a nation-to-nation meeting between First Nations leaders and Canadas Prime Minister Stephen Harper. To secure a true democratic meeting with a proper respect for the rights of First Nations people in Canada who has so far been grossly set back in numerous ways. Put an end to broken treaties and abolish new laws where the First Nations people had no chance to take part in decisions concerning their own land and water-rights. "Enough is enough".
News reports on Canada television CBC.ca
OKT group of laywers (specialists in aboriginal treaty rights and litigations) give a breif explanation of what grassroot movements Idel No More is about and why Chief Theresa Spence is on hunger strike: OKT Law.
Idle No More started with four ladies; Nina Wilson, Sylvia McAdam, Jessica Gordon & Sheelah McLean, and today it has grown large on social media.
Flash mobs is happening now in both Canada and the US, and very often it's singing, dancing, drumming. I found this especially interesting. It's again the type of fuel that comes from dancing and singing. It's so powerful, it's non-violent, it's unites people. And it scares the oppressing powers a lot when grassroot people do this. Remember South Africa, the singing revolution. You can kill the singer, but you can never kill the song. Remember Victor Jara.
Dancing has always been a bit frightening to some. One of my family members, Elisabet Jansson, has researched and written a book, "Den kära leken - våra nordiska cirkel- och kedjedansrötter" on the history of such dance in Sweden. She found remarkable history that dance was looked upon as something dangerous and therefore should be marginalised and rejected. As soon as we form a circle and dance together, it seems like authorities feel threatened.
I use the power of dancing for my own well-being. I dance lindy hop, balboa, boogie woogie, and I just love it. It is joy, it is play, it makes me more balanced, more grounded, it releases stress.
Dance is to live with your balance over your both feet.
To dance is to live fully.
Partner dancing is to give and take and care for the other,
listen and respond,
cooperation it it's most beautiful poetic form.
All around the world men and women are now preparing for the greatest flash mob I've ever heard of. It's organized by locals everywhere, and it's called One Billion Rising. It's a grassroot movement to end violence against women and girls. On the 14th of February, just a little bit more than a month ahead, people will gather and dance together, put the light on the cause and raise awareness and restore dignity.
If you want to join and make a dance meeting on the 14th of Feb, please visit onebillionrising.org and you can get the "toolkit" and share your rising.
Alice Walker on One million rising:
Pina - dance dance otherwise we are lost. A tribute to Pina Bausch, film made by Wim Wenders. Thank you Daniel for introducing me to this beautiful trailer. I can't wait to see the full length film!
Tack för denna intressanta bloggpost - jag gillar allt! (Tack för referensen till min bok!). Jag har tagit del av http://onebillionrising.org/ med största intresse och börjat sprida info om manifestationen. Vi får se om det ordnas något i Falun. Hur får man tag på A tribute to Pina Bausch?
SvaraRaderaFilmen om Pina Bausch hade min gode vän lånat på biblioteket, så jag tänkte beställa där. Bra med bibliotek! Och så grunnar jag också på om vi inte skulle göra en one billion rising-dans här i Göteborg, kanske på dansklubben med lindy hop helt enkelt? Det är ett gäng som är öppet för infall. Undersöker saken.