Today is easygoing,1st of January, sleeping long and having a day in the sofa....mmm, nice!
On new years eve we spoke about resolutions and we could agree that we identify areas where each person want to higher or lower the ambitions.
Theese ambitions apply for me:
* Slow down the speed a bit.
* I want to cook more food with good real seasonal vegetables, meat, fish. Less factory made food.
* I want to be daring and without compromises in my music. Simplicity, space.
I've been asked if I do new years resolutions.
Yes, I guess I do in a way, but it's an ongoing process. I have my own manifesto that I re-evaluate from time to time. It's hand written in a black book where I add new thoughts, or old thoughts that are important to me. Sometimes it's principles I've found, sometimes it's rooted in my own earlier experience and follows what occurs in my own development. I love to share "seeds of thought". I love to read what other people have been thinking. For 2013, let love and tolerance start within our own thinking.
Don't judge...
Let go of expectations.....
Have acceptance for things that happen.....
Trust that the unexpected things that occur in your life has something to do with your own growing.
Have the courage to make the decisions.
Accept what you can't change and learn to see the difference between what you can or can't change.
Life is abundant. Instead of seeking for having as much as possible on behalf of others, there is plenty and enough for all if we share.
"People don't make you angry, they don't make you happy. They are simply invitations. Notice whether you are reacting or responding. Oneness ALLWAYS applies." -MahaNomi
Some days ago I discovered this lovely singer from north of Sweden, Maxida Märak. I'm very happy to find this music, it's a unique collaboration and new interpretation of mountain music. I just love it.
Maxida Märak & Downhill Bluegrass Band
Roligt att höra detta! Jag har många fina minnen från min ungdom i Lappland, Messaure, Jokkmokk, Porjus, fjällvärlden och möten med Maxidas morfar Johan. Jag stod för musiken ibland när han var präst, hörde honom förstås jojka och besökte även hans familj.
SvaraRaderaDet är nästan märkligt hur många gemensamma nämnare vi har :-) När jag fyllde 20 år gav jag mig själv en fjällvandring i födelsedagspresent och fick genom kontakter med Johan Märak (som jag träffade på körstämman i Skinnskatteberg och lyssnade på hans jojk) chansen att se renskiljning strax söder om Kvikkjokk.
SvaraRaderaJomenvisst, men jag är egentligen inte förvånad ;-) I Kvikkjokk har jag varit mycket, liksom i Saltoluokta, där vi brukade bo i härrárrgoahte (prästkåtan). Visst har du varit på folkmusikfestivalen där? Det har inte jag, men skulle gärna vilja.