tisdag 8 januari 2013

Together we can achieve a lot

CBC television, public news channel, is dedicating this full week to updates about Idle no More.

Here's a paneldiscussion from 7th of January really worth listening to in order to get a glimpse of what Idle no More is about. http://www.cbc.ca/player/News/TV+Shows/The+National/ID/2323881230/

Gabrielle Scrimshaw answers the question about who is in Idle No More. Grass root people + elected official leaders + people outside Canada. Environmentalists are also mentioned by another panelmember Keith Beardsley.

I've thought about this, for people who care for nature it is a moment now when we can make positive change and protect land and water from being polluted. Native or non-native, I sure support the cause of human rights, indigenous rights and our earth to be a place where also our children and grandchildren can live. This is why it's so important to all of us.

Wab Kinew adds the importance of the grandparents joining Idle No More. Now they become politically active and motivated. What would it take to get the grandparents involved? Leaving the ordinary daily life with seeing granchildren, baking, going to bingo, they now make sure they go to the flash mobs and take part in the round dances. I guess this rising is meeting with their experiences but at earlier times they didn't have social media as a tool to reach out the way we can see now. Intercultural grandmothers on march article.

Wab Kinew in the panel of CBC is writer of this article. He is also a hip hop artist, journalist, myth buster, tv-host and ambassador for First Nations people. Why Idle No More is not just an "Indian Thing". huffingtonpost.ca/wab-kinew

On youtube there's some fine myth busting with Wab:

See him go through 500 years of history in 2 minutes:

What is 8th fire? It's a prophecy that there are going to be 7 generations of struggle and pain, and after that there will be the 8th generation, or 8th fire, restoring harmony and friendship in the people.

Swedish news isn't covering much fun right now. Trains in the north of Sweden doesn't work, new road taxes in Göteborg is met with protest from some while on the other hand people are positive it reduces traffic and public transportations seems to work well. I'd rather follow what's happening in Canada. Next CBC update is going to cover the celebration and joy found in Idle No More. Can't wait to see that. Maybe it's because there's so much joy in this that makes me captured by Idle No More. Will you agree on this, that the painful experiences can be transformed to great power and true love? It wont come easy, but together we can achieve a lot.


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