We are so happy for all increadible meetings this year, with audience, with musicians we've made music with.
January: New York, APAP: Global Performing Arts Marketplace and Conference.
April: Finland. Meetings with singers in group Kiehinä and concerts in Perinne Arkku and church. We are so much looking forward to go back in April 2013 and continue our beautiful sharing with Kiehinä + making more concerts.
Sweden, many places like Gryt Kammarmusikfestival, Stockholm Musikmuseet, Orsa, Rättvik, Sölvesborg.
September: Augusta Raurica outside Basel, Switzerland.
A new collaboration has begun between Hornroh and Irmelin. On the picture is local alphorn players from Basel.This meeting around mountain music, kulning, herding calls, hornmusic on traditional instruments, has really started off something beautiful and we hope to soon reunite.
October: Recording next album. North sea stories is in pipeline. Tomorrow is first mixing day.....whee haa! So this week is really focusing on the mixing. Karin, Maria and I have been listening on our own and writing down notes and thoughts, and discussed how to proceed. Tomorrow we are meeting with sound engineer Petter at Studio Epidemien.
Have a beautiful day out there!
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